Saplings were planted at Bramadungchung (Thubchok Gatseling) nunnery in Tawang as part of a plantation drive jointly conducted by the department of Karmik and Adyatmik Affairs (DoKAA), EPS Greenheads, a local NGO and TUT at Tawang on Saturday.

The plantation drive was jointly conducted with Local NGO(eps)
Parliamentary Secretary for Education and MLA, Tsering Tashi, Tawang DC, K. Mittal, DoKAA Chairman, Jambey Wangdi, Padmashree Lama Thutan Phuntsok, DRC (New Delhi), K.N. Damo, Tawang SP, Tumme Amo, DFO, Sangey Tsering, ZPC, Jambey Tsering and various HoDs, besides, public leaders, nuns and general public took part in the drive.
Emphasizing on the need of qualitative environmental care and protection initiatives, the Parliamentary Secretary stated that good quality work ensures desired results irrespective of the efforts being put into the work.
Tawang DC in his address also stressed the need for conducting more such drives by involving students. Padmashree Lama Thupten Phuntsok also spoke on the occasion.