Specifically for Monks and Nuns (This application should be submitted through the head of institution) This field is hidden when viewing the formCurrent Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Name of Monastery/Institute(Required)SelectSera Je Drati Educational & Cultural Society, P.O. Bylakuppe, Mysore, Distt. KarnatakaSera Mey Monastic University, P.O Bylakuppe, Mysore, Distt. KarnatakaMonpa Education and Cultural SocietyGomang Arunachal Himalayan Monpa Buddhist Students Association, Mundgod, KarnatakaGajang Tsawa Himalayan Buddhist Cultural Association.Dhakpo Arunachal Students Education & Welfare Society, P.o Kais, Distt. KulluDzongkar Choede College Mahayana Buddhist Cultural Association, Hunsur, Distt. MysoreJangchub Choeling Nunnery, Camp-III, MundgodJamyang Choling Nunnery, Mcleodganj Dharamsala,(H.p)Gaden Choeling Nunnery, Mcleodganj, DharamsalaInstitute of Buddhist Dialectics, IBDTashi Kyil Monastery, DehradunGajang Serkong Gazi Librang KhangtsenGashar Lhopa KhangtsenGasher Nagri KhangtsenGashar Nyegra KhangtsenGyumed Tantric University, Hunsur, Distt. MysoreNamdroling Monastery, Bylakuppe, KarnatakaTashi Lhunpo Cultural Society, BylakuppeDrikung Kagyu Samtenling Nunnery, DehradunPalpung Sherabling Monastery, Himachal PradeshDrepung Karze Student Welfare Mundgod, Karnataka StatePhara Khangtsen ,Mundgod.KarnatakaGashar Phukhang KhangtsenJonang Takten Phuntsok Chosling Cultural Society, Shimla (HP)26 Palpung Yeshi Rabgyeling Nunnery P.O Bajura Distt. KulluDhechen Chokhar Kagupa MonasteryMindroling MonasteryMaitripa InstituteDolmaling Nunnery Institute of Dialectics, Distt. Kangra(H.P)Densa Palchen Chosling Nunnery , South SikkimOber Chhimeyling Institute,Distt JalpaiguriGashar Tawon Jampa Khangtsen, Mundgod ,KarnatakaSakya College for Nuns, DehradunMonastery/Institute(Required)Select oneDrepung Loseling Nyangpo KhangtsenDrepung Loseling Tsulkhang KhangtsenDre- Loling Kongpo KhangtsenDrepung Loseling Gyralong KhangtsenDrepung Loseling Gowo KhamtsenDrepung Loseling Dakpa KhangtsenDrepung Losel Ling MonasteryMonastery/Institute(Required)Select oneGaden Jangtse Samlo KhangtsenGajang Kongpo KhamtsenGajang Dranye Gephel KhangtsenGaden Jangste Hardong KhangtsenGashar Chone KhangtsenGaden Jangtse Dhora KhangtsenGaden Shartse Sockpa Jamyang KhangtsenGaden Thepo KhangtsenGajang Lubum KhangtsenName (in block letter)(Required)Father's name(Required)Mother's Name(Required)Tribe(Required)Religion(Required)Permanent Address(Required) Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Course of study undertaking(Required)The name of the last examination passed(Required)The name of the institution where studying(Required)Date of admission in the institution(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY Address for correspondence(details Postal address of the Institution)Address(Required) Lane/street/Town Postal office District State Pin code(Required)Phone No. (if any)(Required)Email -Id(Required) Name of nearest bank and its code Number with full address.(Required)Signature of the student(Required)Full Name(Required)Class(Required)Roll No.(Required)Document Uploads:Recommendation of award of stipend/fellowship/scholarship certificate(Required)Certificate to be completed by the head of institution where the applicant is studying by the head of the institution Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 1 MB. Form of undertaking to be submitted by the students for award of stipend/scholarship and fellowship(Required) Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 1 MB. Passport size photo(Required) Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 1 MB. The online form submissions for this years Stipend is over. Are you sure you want to submit your application?Click Yes to submit and No to go back to the summary page