The 8 days Bhoti Language training for in -service Bhoti teachers was inaugurated at the training hall of Department of Karmik and Adhyatmik Affairs (DoKAA) office, here yesterday.
The simple function rolled on as the chief guest, Reverend Guru Tulku Rimpoche, abbot of Tawang Monastery and guest of honour Reverend Dr. Rikya Lhavoe Rimpoche offered butter lamps in front of the lord of wisdom, Manjushree, amidst recitation of Mangalacharan by the trainees.

DoKAA Chairman felicitated and presented mementos to the attending dignitaries
Thereon, DoKAA Chairman felicitated and presented mementos to the attending dignitaries, while Genden Norbu, Assistant Director DoKAA, deliberated the aims and objectives of the training.Rev. Guru Tulku Rinpoche spoke in length on the essentiality of treasuring the rich Buddhist culture heritage and Bhoti language. Emphasizing on the fact that the very existence of a society lies in its cultural values, he articulated, “ Monpa community is interlinked to Tibetan culture and religion and we should strive hand in glove, socially and culturally, for the preservation of Bhoti script and Buddhist culture.

Reverend Dr. Rikya Lhavoe Rimpoche, Deputy Director of Art and Culture Kesang Dhondup, Tawang Zilla Chairperson Jambey Tsering and Tawang DDSE Apel Tayeng also spoke on the occasion.
Jambey Wangdi called on everyone to gain optimum utilization from the training and strive untiringly and hand in glove to achieve the mammoth task at hand. “Learning Bhoti merely to earn bread and butter is showing disrespect to the rich and ancient language. On the contrary one should imbibe it with the psychology to propagate, preserve and cater it”, he said. “An inter-monastic workshop will be initiated from 28th of this month at Tawang monastery which will be a big boost and go a long way in strengthening and preserving our religion and culture”, he informed.
Reverend Dr. Rikya Lhavoe Rimpoche, Deputy Director of Art and Culture Kesang Dhondup, Tawang Zilla Chairperson Jambey Tsering and Tawang DDSE Apel Tayeng also spoke on the occasion.
50 Multi Indian Language Teachers, SSA Bhoti teachers and State Bhoti teachers will be imparted training convened by Department of Karmik and Adhyatmik Affairs (DoKAA), government of Arunachal Pradesh