Scholarship &  Fellowship  For Buddhist Philosophy Students (Specialization Course)

The western most part of Arunachal Pradesh which is originally known as Mon-Region comprising of 2(Two) districts namely Tawang and West Kameng districts. The region is geographically and strategically important for the security point of view not only to the state of Arunachal Pradesh but India as a country. The region shares international border i.e Indo-Bhutan and Indo-China (Tibet).The region is exclusively the homeland of monpas along with   others tribes like Hrussos, Sajolong, Bugun and Sherdukpens. From the point of socio-cultural aspect all the tribes haves similarities.

Many students are pursuing their education in various monasteries/ institutions in these regions and across the country at various levels in the field of Buddhist philosophy which is quite essential for preservation and promotion of the rich Buddhist culture in the region. They play a vital role not only in preservation and promotion of the rich culture and tradition but also in maintenance of peace and harmony in the region. Due to lack of proper support and financial assistance from organized sectors, they are not able to pursue and complete their education properly and dedicatedly. Therefore it is extremely necessary to grant stipend/scholarship & fellowship to them.

Criteria for grant of stipend/ scholarship &Fellowship:

For determination of eligibility criteria a student/beneficiary must fulfill the following conditions which are to be followed strictly.

  1. Proof of his enrollment in the institute/monastery against the course /class must be furnished duly certified by the head of the institute.
  2. An undertaking in proper format for completion and promotion of Buddhist Philosophical related works after completion of the course.
  3. He/She must not avail of such scholarship from any other source both Govt. and Non-Governmental organization




Rig-Nes-Nga means 5 (five) Major science/ fields of study in English and Punch Mahavidhya in Sanakrit/Hindi (a)Shilpa/Arts&Crafts,(b)Chikitsa/medicine (c)Shabdvidhya/Grammar  (d)Hetu/Logic (e)Adhyatma/Philosophy. The Rig-Nes-Nga, five fields of Study endowed all wisdoms ever exist in the world and the Monpas are learning these wisdom since the time immemorial from the Gurus. The scheme Guru Shishya Parampara has been started in the year 2012-13 in the line of Gurushishya Parampara scheme of NEZCC, Nagaland and is continuing.

Introduction of Five Major Fields of study

1) Arts and Crafts/Shilpa

The Monpas have a glorious heritage of arts & crafts. A man who is expert in the field of particular arts & crafts teaches to younger generation as himself a Guru and other young persons are as shishyas by practical with his methods of teaching he received from his Guru. For example Monpas are experts in bamboo works, wood works, stone works, paintings, paper making, incense making, pottery and weaving etc.

2) Medicine/ Chikitsa

The Mon areas comprising Tawang & West Kameng districts are adorned with varieties of Herbs. All kinds of disease are treating through Ayurvedic Medicine or Local method of treatments, like healing through mantras, massaging with wooden butter and by local made medicines.

3) Shabdvidhya/Grammar (voice)

The Monpas are very rich in the field of Shabd Vidhya. Since creation of Bhoti script monpas also adopted Bhoti script as their own with other areas of Himalaya and learning all aspects of studies in Bhoti script. The Shabd-vidhya may be divided into two parts (I) Five Major science / fields of study. (II) Five sub fields of study or five Minor Science. The 5 Minor Fields of studies. e.g (a)  Kavya/Poetry (b) Abhidhana/Synonyms (c)  Chanda/Lexicography (d)  Jyotish/Astro Science and (e) Nataka/dance & drama

4) Hetu/Logic

Instead of  believing whatever they saw or heard analyses the subject on the basis of Buddha’s speech “Bhikkhus and all others, do not believe my words as sign of respecting me, you just analyze the truth like goldsmith examines the gold by cutting, rubbing & burning the gold before he accept it. After that, if you found my words are true then you may accept, follow and practice it”

5) Adhyatma/Philosophy

The Monpas are following Buddhism from 8th century. Tradition of teaching and learning Philosophy in the monasteries and institutes continuous from ancient times on the topics like Tri Shiksha/Moral Training, Prajnaparamita, Tripitaka, Vinaya etc. which are original speeches of Buddha. In the above subjects of philosophy the Lord Buddha has been analyzed & examined each and every substance of the world.


The main objective of the scheme is preservation, conservation and promotion of Rig-Nes-Nga (5) five major science/fields of study in Mon region which they preserve from ancient days through Guru Shishya Paramapa. This training or practice of Guru Shishya Paramapa will increase not only additional human resources but will increase skilled artisans through Master who poses good skills for better qualities.


Preference will be given to the Artisans who have specialized/expertise in a particular field of Rig-Nes-Nga.

List Of Ongoing Schemes Under The Department Of Karmik & Adhyatmik (Chos-Rig) Affairs

  1. Organizing of Training on Bhoti Language in Tawang & West Kameng Districts.
  2. Organizing of Seminar, Workshop, Conference etc in Tawang & West Kameng District.
  3. Preservation of Guru Shishya Parampara “Rig Nes Nga” (Panch Maha-vidya/five major fields of study).
  4. Scholarship & Fellowship for Buddhist Philosophy Students ( Specialization Course)
  5. Celebration of Traditional Festival, ceremonies, commemoration, etc in two districts of Tawang & West Kameng Districts.
  6. Performing traditional Arts through theatre.
  7. Medical camp in region to provide treatment through tibeto medicine (Sowa Rigpa).
  8. Plantation in the compound of various cultural centers for preservation of ecology and environment.
  9. Renovation of Culture Centres of Tawang & West Kameng District.
  10. Organizing Seminar & Workshop, Conference, etc at Tawang & West Kemeng Districts.
  11. Printing and Booklet, Pamphlet, Postcard, Calendar etc.